BIOTENSIDON is a natural product – 100% Bio and 100% Vegan
BIOTENSIDON is an official 50% shareholder of CalvBio GmbH.
BIOTENSIDON is an official partner of the Monash University Malaysia.
BIOTENSIDON is an official partner of BIODALIA Microbiological Technologies LTD
BIOTENSIDON is official partner of the R4SME "Research Group of the EU" and ECAS and many more.

BIOTENSIDON already offers a variety of special products, e.g.

•Wheel Cleaners
•Boat Cleaners
•Shower Gels for Allergies
•Detergents for allergy sufferers
•Household cleaners
•and many more

Together with scientific and technical partners BIOTENSIDON is able and willing to be applied to special problems and to develop customized solutions.                  Here BIOTENSIDON naturally takes into account the existing workflow and current lifestyle application methods.

BIOTENSIDON continues its future-oriented research. Various projects in collaboration with
scientists, universities and community groups are already being implemented, or are planned in the near future.
These include, among others:

•Decontamination of contaminated soils and waters
•Water treatment for industry and communities
•Biological treatment of sewage sludge
•Animal feed enzymes to improve meat quality and reduce feed and pharmaceutical costs (e.g. Antibiotics, resulting in fewer units of antibiotics in meats)
•Organic fertilizers with antifungal and antiviral properties.
•and many more.